2021-2022 Events
Inaugural SCS Annual Gala (04/20/2022)
The academic year comes to an end – time to wrap it up with the inaugural SCS Annual Gala. We hope everybody enjoyed the gala as much as we did! It was great to see so many fellow students and faculty in formal attire spending the evening together.
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s awards for their continuous efforts on fostering the grad student community:
Shining Star: Manasvini Sethuraman
Graduate Student Champion: Santosh Pande
Friend of Graduate Student: Kelly Rockwell
Photos captured by Gregory Philips.

Poster Competition (04/12/2022)
So many great posters! SCS and SCP students presented their research at our poster competition – A great chance to network and practice presentation skills.
We congratulate the winners: Sanjay Kariyappa, Harshit Gupta, Zixin Yin, and Jianming Tong!
Winning posters of the 1st and 2nd year category:
Zixin Yin: TDoA-Based Indoor Localization Accuracy Simulator and App Demo
Jianming Tong: Heterogeneity Aware Federated Learning and Demand-Specific Inference
Winning posters of the 3+ year category:
Sanjay Kariyappa: Model Stealing Attacks and Defenses
Harshit Gupta: ePulsar: Control Plane for Publish-Subscribe Systems on Geo-Distributed Edge Infrastructure
Thank you to all the participants, judges, and visitors!

Saturday Hike (04/09/2022)
We had a great turnout for our first hike on the East Palisades trail. Made new friends, enjoyed the scenery and had a delicious lunch!

Lunch with Labs (04/04/2022)
We hosted our first Lunch with Labs – intending to foster the grad community here at SCS. And it was a success! It’s great to see so many students and faculty come together and chat over lunch. Thank you for joining us!

PhD Visit Day (03/10/2022)
We had a great time getting to know our potential future Ph.D. colleagues during our Visit Days! And we had many activities: An interactive poster session presenting research from our community, a grad panel answering students’ questions about Georgia Tech and life in Atlanta, the Rooftop Reception on CODA, and much more …
Thank you for the positive feedback from our visitors and the support of all our volunteers!

SCS Grad Student Townhall (01/12/2022)
Our first graduate student townhall of the School of Computer Science happend in the beginning of the spring semester. Our school chair Dr. Vivek Sarkar, our graduate student chair Dr. Santosh Pande, and our ombudsperson Dr. Ellen Zegura shared their thoughts on the school’s future in regard to the grad student community. In the discussion, all three answered a wide range of questions by students from stipend increase to community engagement.
This was the kick-off of our grad student townhalls and we aim to establish this format as a direct communication channel between the students and the school.

TGIF at Rocky Mountain Pizza (11/12/2021)
We hosted our first post-covid TGIF for graduate students, and we had a blast! We met at Rocky Mountain, had pizza, and tested our knowledge about Georgia Tech. It was great to meet again after such a long period of social distancing. We look forward to more TGIFs in the future!

CS PhD Welcome Event 2021
As we all make our way back to campus this fall, we want to welcome the incoming and existing students back to campus and provide a good start to the year. This event will provide the incoming students with a sense of togetherness within the School of Computer Science community and will provide the existing students with an opportunity to take a break from work and mingle with other students. We hope our event will improve their mood and reduce stress levels (being away from family, staying at home due to Covid, or work stress) and consequently will improve their mental health.
Come join us for an evening of fun, food and friendly games! Meet fellow PhD students (old and new), hangout with friends, and enjoy a chill evening before the semester heats up!