2022-2023 Events
Past Events
2nd Annual SCS Gala
The 2nd Annual Gala took place on April 6th.We were happy to see familiar faces across SCS and SCP. We announced awards and Poster Competition winners over drinks and food.

So You Want to be a Professor Panel Series 3: How Do You Get a Job in Academia?
We hosted the third part of the “So You Want to be a Professor” Panel Series On April 4th. This panel discussed different aspects of faculty recruitment and the academic job search followed by pizza. The panel inlcuded professors Mostafa Ammar, Celine Lin and Jan van den Brand and was moderated by Professor Ahmed Saeed.

Poster Competition
On March 31st we hosted our second SCS Poster Competition. This competition drew students from across the college and from a range of subfields to present their research in a poster format.

Grad Hike at Kennesaw Mountain National Park
On Saturday, March 11th, we held a group hike. Over 30 faculty and students from across SCS and SCP enjoyed a day out exploring Kennesaw Mountain National Park in Northwestern Georgia.

Lunch with Labs
On February 24th, we hosted our second annual “Lunch with Labs”. SCS-GSA hosted this lunch in an effort to increase interaction among students and faculty from different labs in the School of Computer Science and School of Cybersecurity and Privacy. We had a great turnout of students and faculty from across the college!

So You Want to be a Professor Panel Series 2: A Day in the Life
On February 22nd, we hosted our second panel of the 3-part panel series “So You Want to be a Professor”. This second panel discussed the job responsibilities of professors and how they change through their career. The panel consisted of Ellen Zegura, Mustaque Ahamad, and Alex Daglis and it was moderated by Ahmed Saeed.

So You Want to be a Professor Panel Series 1: Career Options for CS PhDs
On January 26th, SCS GSA with Professor Ahmed Saeed began a new 3-part panel series to help Ph.D students learn more about being a professor. This first panel talked about the career options for CS PhDs like academia, industry research, national labs, or startups. We had a great panel consisting of Vivek Sarkar, Kexin Rong, and Alberto Dainotti.
Look forward to the other two panels about a day in a Professor’s life and how do you get a job in academia!!

SCS Hangouts: New Faculty Chat with Cecilia Testart and Celine Lin
On Novmber 30th, SCS Hangouts featured a discussion with new faculty members Cecilia Testart and Celine Lin about their research, current student opportunities, personal hobbies, and advice for current PhD students. Afterwards, they joined SCS students for dessert!
SCS Hangouts events are a great opportunity for students to meet and socialize with faculty and prospective advisers! Check back next semester for announcements of our Spring 2023 SCS Hangouts!.

Grad Hike at Sweetwater Creek

SCS Hangouts: New Faculty Chat with Kexin Rong and Alberto Dainotti

Fireside Chat with Dr. Yousef Khalidi
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the School of Computer Science, we have invited distinguished alumni for a fireside chat. The second fireside chat was with Dr. Yousef Khalidi about his journey as a PhD student at College of Computing to Corporate Vice-President at Microsoft. The fireside chat was hosted by Professor Kishore Ramachandran.
The talk can be found online at this link.

SCS PhD Welcome Event 2022
Our second annual SCS PhD Welcome Event happened on September 27th. This event provided the incoming students with a sense of togetherness within the School of Computer Science community and will provide the existing students with an opportunity to take a break from work and mingle with other students. The event improved their mood and reduced stress levels and consequently will improved their mental health. In addition, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the School of Computer Science.
Photos for the event can be found using this link.
Photos captured by Jennifer Girtman from Atlanta Event Photography.

Fireside Chat with Vijay Balasubramaniyan
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the School of Computer Science, we have invited distinguished alumni for a fireside chat. The first fireside chat was with Vijay Balasubramaniyan about his journey as a PhD student at College of Computing to Co-Founder, CEO & CTO of Pindrop. The fireside chat was hosted by Professor Kishore Ramachandran.
The talk can be found online at this link.